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Talk:Medicina sociale

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Revision as of 01:17, 1 July 2008 by Samarre-fr (Talk | contribs)

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Ciao, "phalocratie" = potere del maschio organizzato in sistema , "phalo" = "phalus" in francese = organo di riproduzione maschile. - samarre

Re-modification to the article

Hi, I'm going to re-modify the article in french, if someone have things knowledge to add to it you can write it on the discussion page of Médecine sociale. / Salut, je vais re-modifier l'article en français, si quelqu'un a des connaissances à y ajouter vous pouvez l'écrire sur la page de discussion de "Médecine sociale". Samarre-fr 01:17, 1 lug 2008 (UTC)